Almost every Mac user I know hates Windows and they exploit it’s weaknesses (pun not intended) in arguments to make it seems as though it has no redeeming qualities. Clearly that’s not true. I have decided to compile a list of some of those redeeming qualities that I would like to see Apple steal integrate into OS X. The most important thing note that all of these features can be integrated passively i.e. not require anyone to change the way they currently use OS X… so there’s no real reason not to have them.
These items are in no particular order. Sidenote: You may notice that I have Uno installed… that’s because it’s a no-brainer that Apple needs to unify its GUI. That should be the first thing on Apple’s To Do List. For the curious… this is my desktop…
Why doesn’t OS X seamlessly connect with ftp, sftp, afs…? When I “switched” I was truly disappointed. Who’s idea was it to include Connect to Server
that can’t write to a server? I’m sure there is some excuse for writing being disabled, but finding that out at 2 am while trying to submit my homework left a sour taste in my mouth.